Sunday, November 7, 2010

NaNoWriMo 2010 - B (Current)

The following is my current sluggish story. Enjoy.

NaNoWriMo 2010 - A (Failed)

Please do not judge all of my writings on what you're about to read. Although they may not be much different.

NaNoWriMo 2010

Once again it's November. One week into it, actually, and I'm already behind on my progress to 50 000 words.

The next post with be 4000 words that I've decided to abandon.  I felt the story would be too much to delve into under the constraints of NaNo, and by that I mean I felt the story hadn't taken off like I had wanted it to.

So, instead, the next post after that one is my work in progress submission for this year. At the healthy 5000 words for 3 days work.  Too bad I need to be at 11700 by the end of the day to maintain the quoted level of progress. Alas, I hope you (vague internet world) enjoy the coming not well-thought out story.

Monday, November 30, 2009

NaNo 2009 - Part 7,8,9,10

Sorry for the lack of regular updates. Fell behind, but this is the last of it! 19666 words.  Major edits needed. Enjoy.